Thursday, November 17, 2011

No one...

...should ever let me keep up a blog. I am the worst at it.

Roughly 3.5 weeks left in this semester! I'm getting excited. Well, a bag of mixed emotions consisting of excitement and fear. The last round of final exams looks...daunting. Nevertheless, I will keep on truckin.

This winter break will be a nice refresher. I'll be all over nyc, and possibly atl, as well. If you're in the area, let me know.

Back to work.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sleep Talking Man

I've been told I sleep talk from time to time, but it's nothing compared to this.

Props to Amee for sending it to me. You owe me 5 hours of my life back.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sonny's sayings.

My friend Sonny has some ridiculous sayings. He's a successful consultant and is a director for a non-profit organization called Global HEED. Look into it. They set up clinics in rural regions of Guatemala. Regardless, these are a few of his sayings:

Me: She's a perfect candidate!
Sonny: A candidate?...what, is she going to be your next victim?

Sonny: You need to show me how you do black magic on the internet.

While discussing the recently announced $1.5 billion IPO of Zynga (facebook games)
Sonny: Did you know that a woman actually killed her kid because the kid was disrupting her farmville game?
Me: Yeah, another woman let her epileptic kid drown in the bathtub bc she was checking her farmville.
Sonny: I mean, I lose my faith in humanity when I hear about these things...IT'S FARMVILLE! It's not like it's Halo or something.

Sonny: I'm going to call you, Lickmuhnuts.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Plans in Effect

Since I've been back, all I've done was pack and move and pack and move and pack and move.

I was in Yonkers moving the studio apartment to a house in the bronx.

Then I came down to ATL and packed and shipped things to the bronx.

Yes, my family is bidding adieu to ATL forever.

Then I moved into a house I'm subletting right by GA Tech.

Since things have calmed down now, I wanted to take this time to start studying for next term, relax a little, and just overall get my life in order.

I believe DeeDee and Cloud will be visiting sometime this week. Both not definite, but probable. I shall take Cloud to Clermont Lounge and show him what it's about.

Until then, my daily life will be filled with hitting the gym, sonicing, and getting my fluorescent self to the pool to get a little bit of color.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Parasitology Final


It's coming. It's happening in 3 hours. This course, although the concept was relatively simple, was not very simple indeed. Sure, just memorize somewhat odd 50 parasites...where they're located...their life cycles...what they look like...what symptoms present...and how to diagnose/treat it.

Seems easy enough.'s really kinda not. My friend, Brett described it best.

" like trying to memorize what each of the jigsaw puzzle looks like."

It's very very true. I really wish that I had prepped for this course over the break. Even if I had learned maybe 2 - 3 parasites a day, I would have been exposed to this stuff and would have made life much easier.

For a one credit course, I'm spending wayyyy more time than I should be. Last term's one credit course: bioethics, I spent...actually, NO time on it, whatsoever. I read the lecture notes. 20 minutes a day. Done. Parasit...not so much.

Anywho, it's parasit final this morning. Genetics midterm Tuesday morning. From Tuesday noon --> Friday, I shall be in a comatose state.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Truth about me

1. When it comes to numbers, people owing me money, or anything that has to do with numbers, I remember it for the rest of my life. Jared Kushner (not the one that married Ivanka Trump) owed me $5.13 in the 5th grade, and I still remember it.
2. When it comes to names, faces, what people tell me, I forget it entirely. You could tell me your name and the fact that you were in the Ethiopian desert trying to save the masses, and chances are, I’ll completely forget you and your story within 5 minutes.
3. I’m like a 5 year old when it comes to food pickiness. I don’t like fruits or vegetables, unless it’s cooked right. It doesn’t mean I won’t eat it…I eat anything/everything. Doesn’t mean I liked it.
4. I lie. All the time. For no reason. Ask me what I had for lunch, and I’ll lie to you. It’s not because I want to deceive you. My initial instinct is to lie. The only person I don’t lie to is my girlfriend. Last time I did that, I got in big trouble.
5. I’m very OCD in certain aspects, an absolute slob in others.
6. When I was 7 years old, I had a mentally disabled neighbor. He was around my age. Even now, I’m not sure what he had (possibly Down’s), but I remember how I used to make fun of him so much, and the kids in the neighborhood, including myself, would make fun of him and practically abuse the poor kid, throwing things at him, calling him names, etc. From time to time, I still look back and think how horrible his mother must have felt, watching her son get picked on all the time. I would apologize to both of them if I ever had the chance to.
7. I often think that I suffer from kleptomania. Sometimes, I steal things even without wanting to steal them. Automatic reaction.
8. Women find me very intriguing at first. They want to know why I’m either so cocky or why I’m such an asshole. After the initial bout of excitement and intrigue, they’re repulsed by me. Circle of life.
9. I’m very patient. It’s virtually impossible to get me angry. But if I DO get angry, there’s no gradient. It’s full on. Ask my brother.
10. I’m super cheap when it comes to myself. I don’t understand the point of brand-named stuff. I have some brand-name clothing, but I can guarantee you, I probably bought it for less than $10.
11. In comparison to #10…when it comes to spending money on the ones I love, I spend money like it’s going to rot.
12. I rarely admit to my family that I love them (actually, I don’t think I ever have…have I, John?), but if it came down to it, I’ll kill as many people as I have to for them.
13. I like the color black…actually, anything in gray tones. Most of my clothing is either gray, dark gray, or black. Flashy scares me.
14. I’m a huge caffeine junky. Sodas or coffees no longer do it for me. Super concentrated energy drinks that would make a whale’s heart go into overdrive…that’s the magic.
15. I don’t care what people think/say about me. Unless I really truly care about you, then I care very much about what you think/say about me. But I only truly care about 5 – 6 people in this entire world…so chances are, it’s not you.
16. I’m incredibly sarcastic, and I have no idea why. It’s not something I work at. I’m also very jaded.
17. I’m an equal opportunity hater. I don’t dislike just SOME people. I dislike EVERYONE.
18. My friends all think I’m a con man. This…is sorta true.
19. I have an incredible talent to be able to tell a woman’s bra size within 30 seconds of meeting them. I have a 98% accuracy of bust and cup size. I’ve tried to market this talent, yet I have yet to hear back from Victoria Secret or Hugh Hefner.
20. My friends have pre-diagnosed me with having anti-social personality disorder. Contrary to what the name states, a person with ASPD is very witty and charming and gets along with others. He/she flatters others while manipulating them and breaks the law repeatedly. A person with ASPD could care less about others’ safety and will lie, steal, or cheat to get their way and show no guilt or remorse whatsoever. Form of psychopathy/sociopathy. I tend to sorta agree…
21. I have sleeping problems, or better yet, problems with sleeping. Yet after a 3 – 4 hour slumber, I’m fully recharged.
22. I’m uber selfish. About everything. I take advantage of everyone around me. Just my nature.
23. My immune system sucks. I’m sick all the time, for the longest time. I think I’m “ok” about 25% of the year.
24. The only reason I want to be a doctor is because of the God complex and the money. If doctors were paid 50k a year, I’d screw it and be a garbageman.
25. I have very little regard for human life. If it pertains to the ones I love, then yes, I have very high regard. For the general public…tomorrow, the western coast could be obliterated due to a tsunami or a hurricane, and I wouldn’t skip breakfast. Sometimes, I feel that this will affect me greatly as a doctor, but then I realize I don’t like to lose, so as long as I do job well, I think it’ll be ok.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This post is...

dedicated to Bianca, probably the only person that reads this. David told me you wanted me to update. Here's to you.

This term has been...well, you know how you go in for a cleaning at the dentist, and then he tells you that you need a root canal? It's sorta like that.

The rumors were not true. They told me this term would be easier. In some ways, yes, it is easier. I have a much lighter schedule and I have more free time, but the material has gotten much harder. Perhaps last term was much easier because I had been exposed to it before, but this term, with neuroscience, parasitology, immunology...they're a lot of work, and not worth very many credits.

Other than that, we are fighting a breakout of dengue fever off campus, which is awesome. I like dengue. It almost sounds like a noodle bowl I pick out of the menu at Lucky Fu's or something like that.

Exams (genetics/parasitology) next week.

To Bianca, I apologize this post has neither been informative nor funny. Perhaps I should have gone to refrigerator college.